Monday, April 26, 2021

“Stuck somewhere you don’t belong”...

Growth is painful. 

Change is painful. 

But nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don’t belong 

— Unknown

Ouch. Reminds me of my own blunder in this department. Deep down (in my heart, my soul, my gut) I knew I needed to end my last relationship. I dragged my heels for a few reasons. My brain just kept turning the decision over and over again. I was worried that I wouldn’t find a better relationship because this one was more civilized, kind and pleasant than all my others put together. You always hear that relationships are work and so I also wondered if things could improve with better communication and potentially assistance from a professional. I thought I’d give it a bit more time. In truth though, I was already on the outside of the relationship, looking in. Little did I know my boyfriend at the time was actually well into another relationship. Double ouch. My bad. After that I learned to trust my instincts. I know to look for the red flags, rather than stuffing them in the closet. Just sayin’ ;) Hugs. XO



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