Procrastination strikes everyone... You can’t hope to stop procrastinating until you first have a firm understanding of why you Procrastinate. New research from Joseph Ferrari at DePaul University shows that procrastination is more complicated than most people think. People tend to think of procrastination as coming from poor time management or laziness, but Ferrari’s research shows that procrastination stems from negative emotions that hijack your mood. Once you’re under the influence of these emotions, you can’t bring yourself to work. Figure out why. When you aren’t in the mood to work, procrastination is telling you something important. It could be something simple, such as you need to take a break or get something to eat. It could also be something complex, such as you’re carrying the team on your back or you’re dissatisfied with your job. Whatever it is, instead of punishing yourself for procrastinating, take a moment to reflect and figure out why you’re procrastinating. This could end up being the most productive step you take in conquering your task.
— Dr Travis Bradbury (Author The Seagull Manager, Emotional Intelligence 2.0 & Cofounder of TalentSmart, California School of Professional Psychology Greater San Diego Area).
I’ve noticed I put off activities that I’m not good at (like spreadsheets or other detail oriented tasks) or that may involve a frosty response (like cold calling or delivering disappointing news). I recently devoted a few hours to such activities and said to myself “I get why I put these things off. It’s yuck.” I made a deal with myself that when I complete my least desired to-do’s, I’ll immediately treat myself to something I love doing. This way, I’m efficient and engaged because I can’t wait for my happy hour ;) Just sayin’ ;) Hugs, XO
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