Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Separating work from life...

Some benefits of commuting... or separating work from life in these Covid times:

Time for “Prospection” - three years ago, a team of researchers led by Harvard Business School professor Francesca Gina found that people who use their commuting time to think through their plans for the day—something the team called “prospection”— were more productive once they arrived at the office than those who did other mental tasks or looked for distractions.

Do something physical - can help expend more calories during the week without actually having to work out

Social connection - add in some friendly banter in short exchanges, grabbing coffee from your local coffee shop, or a on a short walk around the neighbourhood

Time for transition - creates a psychic barrier and opportunity to get in the right frame of mind for work/home

A break from being “on” - a moment elude all roles and expectations and not be an employee, manager, executive, parent, roommate, spouse

A chance to daydream - allowing for creative breakthroughs. (Also called the “incubation effect” in which unconscious mechanisms unlock connections that were not obvious to your directed thoughts). 

— Lila MacLellan (Quartz at Work reporter, from the article Separate work from life wth a “virtual commute” that energizes you)

Great advice! I feel more relaxed just thinking about it. Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO



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