Monday, August 24, 2020

“It’s okay not to be perfectly resilient”...

Resilience is important, but not at the expense of reflection, compassion, and humility. In fact, one could argue that bouncing back too quickly is not resilient at all, but a form of denial, or inability to face reality, or sweeping deep hurt under the rug. In these times, it’s okay not to be okay. It’s okay not to be perfectly resilient.

— Carlene Zanne, Executive Coach and Leadership Consultant

My favourite therapist talks a lot about honouring our feelings. He says we shouldn’t be afraid of our “negative emotions” such as anger and resentment because if we’re willing to face and feel the darker feelings, we have a better chance of uncovering issues that need to be addressed. Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO 



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