Saturday, August 29, 2020

Dose of reality to get moving...

Dreaming of wonderful outcomes — landing a coveted promotion, reaching a long sought professional milestone — can feel great. But those good feelings can easily lull us into not doing the tough work to achieve our goals, warns David Robson for BBC Worklife. Instead, we are better off using a technique called mental contrasting, where we imagine our great outcomes, step back and reflect on the obstacles in our way and then plan for ways to overcome those impediments. Our fantasies can help inspire and motivate us, but we often need a dose of reality to get moving. 

— Scott Oiler, Editor at LinkedIn News 

I found my dream job and achieved a personal career high after hitting absolute rock bottom. Starting over allowed me to re-imagine the ideal position/compensation/manager/company culture. The rock bottom part ignited me to set and commit aggressive goals that would make me indispensable. Mission accomplished and how fulfilling it is. All the best to you in your dreams and pursuits! You can do it. Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO



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