Saturday, April 18, 2020

Investing in health (and self care)...

Your health is an investment,
not an expense.

— Unknown

I ended up attending a relationship seminar many moons ago because my boyfriend at the time thought I should (I had a repetitive struggle with certain family dynamics and I’m sure he was sick of listening to me, Lol). I wanted the relationship to work and I’m a huge psychology geek, so I thought sure, why not. Nothing to lose. Well, actually, it wasn’t cheap and I did give pause while writing out the cheques. I also had to give up many, many weekends, staring out at the blue skies on a warm Saturday/Sunday afternoon, which are all too rare where I live. From the moment I stepped into that room, however, I was mesmerized. I was also terrified because the moment I spoke the therapist/seminar leader said “May I coach you?” Yes, of course, I said. I was stunned at how quickly and easily he saw through me, to my most private wounds and probably somewhat crippling (emotionally at least) fears. I’ve never looked back. I’ve continued to work with this coach, my favourite therapist, who gives more generously of spirit than anyone I’ve ever met. He felt and feels more like a trusted family member/mentor, which was sorely missing in my world. Did I have the extra cash to spend on this work, which could have gone to beautiful new fashion items, or a trip to Hawaii? Part of me thought hell no, as I’m an almost SADS person during fall/winter. I would way rather head to the airport, than sit in this small room full of anxious people, re-visiting my vulnerable, unprepared “inner child.” My coach would say the only way to the other side of this is through it because we need to process what happened to us as children with our adult maturity in order to move forward in a healthy way. I’m glad I had the sense and courage to make that choice. There’s no way I would have found my own way to the communication and relationship skills that brought me to the love of my life and the sense of well being that I enjoy more and more each day. My career and finances have hugely benefitted as well. Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO



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