Sunday, April 12, 2020

If it feels better...

Choose to be optimistic,
it feels better.

— Dalai Lama

I read a great psychology article a while back (sorry, I didn’t note the author/journal at the time), that described two different strategies people tend to use in managing stress. Some of us remain positive and optimistic, so we can cope with fear of the unknown and resist focusing on doomsday scenarios. Others feel better considering all scenarios, both good and bad, so they’re not devastated if the outcome is less than stellar. The author didn’t label either option as good or bad, but merely noted both are typical coping strategies. Personally, I’m a glass half-full person and I lean on optimism heavily. This allows me to break the fear cycle and enjoy visions of future wins and festivities. Some of my good friends feel that being more “realistic” allows them to put things in perspective and remember that life is a series of ups and downs. Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO



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