Sunday, November 10, 2019

Signs of maturity...

You forgive more.
You respect differences.
You don’t force love.
You accept heartaches.
You don’t judge easily.
Small talk no longer excites you.
You become more open-minded.
Sleep is better than a Friday night out.
You sometimes prefer to be silent than to engage in a nonsense fight.
You are not dependent on others for your happiness.
Your happiness comes from your inner self.

— Unknown

The biggest thing I learned from my favourite therapist is that just because we are technically adults, doesn’t mean we’re armed with fantastic relationship skills. The public school system doesn’t teach this sort of thing and if our family of origin didn’t model things like conflict resolution/negotiation skills/anger management, then likely we missed out on some key learnings. (If you’re interested in learning more, check out Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO



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