Thursday, September 19, 2019

Who’s stuff is it anyway?...

Stay away from people who can’t take responsibility for their actions and who make you feel bad for being angry at them when they do you wrong.

— Unknown

What are we dealing with? The person in question could legitimately have mental health issues. From what I keep hearing, many people among us (and they may be old friends, family or romantic interests) may be borderline and/or undiagnosed. Check out this profile for one potential condition...

Narcissistic Personality Disorder: (Signs)

1. Always talk about themselves
2. Fantasize (feel they should have the best of everything, as a way to fend off inner emptiness. They feel special and in control and avoid feelings of defectiveness and insignificance).
3. Believe they are superior (will belittle others by focusing on their flaws, whether real or imagined as a way to hide their own shortcomings and preserve their self-image)
4. Require constant praise (fragile self-esteem and have to continually prop themselves up)
5. Sense of entitlement (feel others exist to serve their own needs)
6. Takes advantage of others (little to no regard for the feelings or interests of others, and have very tumultuous relationships).
7. Envious of others (low self-esteem)
8. Enjoy being the center of attention (they seek out attention at all times and need constant praise to feed their low self-esteem. They dominate conversations).
9. Lack empathy (Unable to understand other people’s perspectives and struggles).
10. Sense of entitlement
11. Incredibly insecure (and feel the need to put others down. There are two types; grandiose and vulnerable. The vulnerable type will need more positive affirmation).
12. Incredibly charming (people find them exciting and attractive, but over time their behaviour becomes more demeaning and aggressive. They use their charm to manipulate)
13. Extremely competitive (they need to be superior to somebody else and so cannot celebrate other people’s successes).
14. Hold grudges (don’t take well to any insult or disapproval. Extremely sensitive about their idealized image of themselves).
15. Don’t take criticism well (their inability to handle fault goes deeper than is typical. Hard pressed to admit fault which makes it impossible for them to take any kind of criticism, even if it’s constructive or neutral. They will react defensively and even aggressively. Prone to sudden bursts of yelling and anger)

(Taken from, by Katherine George).

In other words, some relationship issues may be bigger than us and require professional help or assistance. Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO



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