Saturday, September 21, 2019

What is real and meaningful...

We are often tired and imbalanced not because we are doing too much, but because we are doing too little of what is most real and meaningful.

— Marianne Williamson (American author, spiritual leader, politician, and activist. She has written 13 books including four New York Times number one best sellers. Williams is a big believer in the book/teachings of A Course in Miracles. She says “a conversion with Christ is not a conversion to Christianity. It is a conversion to a conviction of the heart. The Messiah is not a person, but a point of view. It talks about love and forgiveness... The book tries to get us to believe in each other.)

My favourite therapist would say we need to love, forgive and believe in ourselves most of all. Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO



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