Sunday, September 16, 2018

I am me...

I am me
nothing more
nothing less
and that
is enough.

— Harpreet M Dayal (UK Author and poet. Known for her children’s book Wilbert the Worm and her book of poetry Svadhyay, which is “refreshingly positive.”)

After two divorces and yet another broken relationship, I went back to the drawing board. I turned to my favourite therapist (Joel Brass) and revisited two of his life-altering relationship workshops. As always, he nailed the issue and said “you’re almost there. You just need to have your own back, all the way.” From there, I figured out how to be completely true to myself. I gave myself permission to like what I like and leave the rest. I made a list of things I love doing and things I never want to do again. Amazingly enough, I realized that none of my previous partners actually suited me and my lifestyle. After a time of healing, I set out in the dating world again. Being single felt much different this time. I was clear about myself and how I wanted to live my life moving forward. I met the man of my dreams soon after and life is truly a fairytale. My days still include the mundane chores of shopping, cooking, cleaning, sorting out the odd blip of man/woman misunderstanding, but on the whole, the relationship is blissful. Just sayin’ :) Hugs.



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