Valuable advice from Mark Groves, Create the Love...
"Grab a pen and go through all the people who have touched your life. Time doesn't determine whether they make the list, your heart does. I want you to go through each person and write down what the lessons were that they taught you about relationships, yourself, and how you could've been a better partner. Once you're done going through everyone, I want you to send your appreciation to them. I don't mean literally, just thank them from the bottom of your heart for what they've taught you. Feel your gratitude. For me, it's not good enough in relationships to just want one and enter them blindly. We must do the work. We must understand why we do the things we do because as the great legendary zen bhuddist teacher Thich Nhat Hanh said: ' To love without knowing how to love wounds the person we love.'"
My favourite therapist has some equally compelling advice. He advises us to think of the top five closest people to us and consider what they would say about being in a relationship with us. What are we like to deal with? My guru says it's more than likely that these five people will have the exact same experience with us and that they're allowed to be right in their opinions! Food for thought hey? ;)
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