Friday, March 11, 2016

"Build it and they will come" ...

Like that great line in Field of Dreams (very popular, other worldly baseball movie with Kevin Costner), relationship experts tell us that we are the architects of our relationships. Mark Groves (Create the Love) has this wisdom to offer....

"If we want an amazing relationship we can't blame everyone else for what happens to us - at some point we have to take the wheel and decide that great love is what we want, and we're no longer going to let the same stories play out in relationship after relationship... In every relationship lies gifts and lessons. If we're willing to look, we'll begin to see that the purpose of relationships with other people is not just to feel love and connection, but also to be invited to our greatest selves."

My favourite therapist recommended a couple of great books on the matter; Getting the Love you Want and Keeping the Love you Find by Harville Hendrix. Keeping the Love You Find includes some enlightening exercises on mining past relationships and uncovering potentially unhealthy patterns we've been stuck in.



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