Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Sulk or speak ;) ...

I admit it...  I've been known to sulk! I'm not alone, so they say ;) According to Allison Armstrong, women are pretty much pre-disposed to an emotionally charged operating system. "This organ is called 'her feelings' and it is the core of her being." So! Us women typically need a little time to react and feel what we're feeling before we can summon the wording to go along with our many waves of emotion. Ok, so fair enough, we seem kinda hard-wired to sulk and possibly exhibit the old cold shoulder. What next? Well, I have to say, when motivated, it's a revelation to allow for the pause and then decide to speak up. Rather than spreading the suffering from ourselves to our loved ones, it feels really good to extend the olive branch, share our experience and make a necessary request, if need be. This is so much nicer than frosting someone out and making them sit in silence, with no way to make up with us. Just sayin' ;)



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