Monday, December 28, 2015

Christmas Spirit...

"I just found my Christmas Spirit. It's been on the shelf at the liquor store this whole time!"
  - Anonymous

Ha ha. Seriously, though, I think it's totally counter-intuitive that the "holidays" bring such stress and duress to many of us. The holidays should bring presents, good food and drink, fun with family and friends, time off work and other good stuff. So why do we end up spent, in more ways than one?? Perhaps.... too much drinking, too much eating, gifts we didn't need or want, a huge visa bill, work piling up in our absence, family we may not see eye to eye with, lack of sleep, lack of personal space and down time.... Ahhhh, now it makes sense, Lol ;)

Wishing everyone some much needed time and indulgence for self :)



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