Told you I'd revisit the topic again, Lol ;) Yesterday I wrote about the impatience we face when dealing with line ups, traffic etc. I realize, there are other forms of waiting, like biding time for something you're really looking forward to that might be a week away, a month away, a year away? What then? Well, I guess similar to the traffic or air travel example, we have to keep ourselves busy with something fulfilling and meaningful. We have to somehow fill our world with as many good things as we can, so that "the waiting" doesn't become a negative. I read (I believe in the book EQ or Emotional Intelligence, which was a bit of a text book by the way, but full of very interesting information) that being able to delay gratification is a bigger sign of pending success than IQ, or academic intelligence. So if we can master waiting and enjoy coveting the things we long for, we should be in for some great pay offs. I like that idea and will certainly keep working on it! ... because this may take some focus and practice. I mean, we're only human after all, right?! ;)
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