Sunday, October 4, 2015

Catch 22...

What do you do when you're caught between a rock and a hard place? You have to make a decision and you don't like either option?? You go one way, accept the crunchy with the smooth and know you'll face some friction and drama. You go the other way and you're guaranteed more peace in your life, but you're left mourning some good things you've lost. I guess we have to accept that life serves up these conundrums. Things will never be perfect. Boo, that's all I can say ;) ! Being the silver lining girl that I am, however, let me just say that the old pro's and con's list can work wonders. Odds are there'll be more weight on one side of the decision and as my favourite therapist advises, always check in with how the old body feels, especially stomach. How we feel, rather than what our brain tells us is supposed to be the way to go. Alrighty then.



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