Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Sex: differences between men and women ;)

"31. Age when women feel their sexiest. In their 30's, women have hit their emotional sexual peak."

" Men, on average, take 4 minutes from the point of entry to reach climax; women usually take around 10 to 11 minutes to reach climax - if they get there at all."

"Libido at age 30. Men's testosterone levels decrease by 1% a year, just as women's desire is on the rise."

"Women in their 50's. 71% of 50-somethings said their last sexual experience resulted in an orgasm, more than any other age group."

"75% of men in a relationship say they always have an orgasm, as opposed to 26% of women."

"The majority of adult men under 60 think about sex at least once a day. Only a quarter of women say they think about it that frequently."

Yet again, proof that men and women truly are different. In many ways, can't be helped.... acceptance may be key)



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