Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Never satisfied

What is it about human nature that we're never satisfied. We're all familiar with "the grass is greener" phenomenon and we seem to face it a lot in life - be it with relationship, job, boss, friends, new home.... inevitably, there are things we don't like. The "new" wears off and we want something new again. Shopping is a legitimate addiction - the hit of something new that brings instant joy and satisfaction to our lives... until we spill our coffee on the new beautiful dress, or the dry cleaner ruins our new jacket... and so we need to go buy something new again... what gives and how do we deal with this??

Healing experts tell us that as long as we look "outside" of ourselves for that "hit" of joy, we'll never be truly fulfilled... because  "no matter where you go, there you are." We can move to a new, warmer city, fall deeply in love with that new "perfect" person, come into some fabulous financial security.... but as we all know, life continues to deal the glitches and set backs... and we'll always be left to contend with ourselves and our reactions to life's challenges. How do we contend with ourselves?.... there are a lot of options out there, but anything that takes us "inward" and allows us to acknowledge and follow our truth... so that our "inner" world is as calm and content as possible. Hugs.



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