Compliments of Pema Chodron, Living Beautifully
The practice of being fully present, feeling our heart and greeting the next moment with an open mind is a way of claiming our courage, our kindness and our strength.
Whenever it occurs to us, we can pause briefly, touch in with how we're feeling both physically and mentally, and then connect with our heart, so that we extend warmth and acceptance to whatever is going on for us in that moment... back ache, upset stomach, rage, impatience, fear, calmness, worry - whatever it is, we can let it be there just as it is without labeling it good or bad and without telling ourselves we shouldn't be feeling that way. This should help us let go of some habitual ways of being in the world and take a promising leap forward with curiosity and courage.
This is a practice of being present, nurturing our hearts and letting go. Actually feels good ;) Hugs.
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