Friday, January 16, 2015

What women don't know about men is a lot... Lol;)

Men, this post is dedicated to you. We love you. We need to appreciate and understand you better. My deepest apologies for us women who have not somehow learned to be with you in a more warm, loving, accepting and grateful way.

Fellow women, we misunderstand our lovely men. I implore us to get curious and have the life altering epiphany that allows men to be the hardwired beings that they are. It is very likely that if we can achieve this, our men will shower us back with love, affection, appreciation and undying commitment.

Ladies, let's educate ourselves.... refer to the following relationship guru's.... download or scour any of their websites and I promise you will not be disappointed. James Bauer, Allison Armstrong, Marni Kinrys and Kim Sarrasin all offer extremely valuable insight into the challenges we all face in relating with the opposite sex:)

Men, may you be equally curious and meet us half way... Just sayin;)



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