Monday, January 19, 2015

Being human

We all have fears and insecurities. We all want to be liked, loved and appreciated and we're all afraid of rejection. We want to be recognized and accepted for who we are. To be imperfect though, is to be human. Maybe If we can remember this, we'll be more forgiving out there in the real world, Lol;)... especially in the dating arena.

Marni Kinrys talks about the 3 strike rule. We're all a little nervous when we're attracted to someone new and putting ourselves out there. Marni says if we like someone and we're attracted to them, we should allow for some bumbling, mumbling, rambling and incoherency, Lol;) We may not be capable of putting our best foot forward at the beginning because it's kinda stressful... So! Let's be kind to each other and maintain a sense of humour! Have fun and watch each other stumble with amusement and not annoyance, ha ha... and get to know each other a little better before we pass judgment...  Just sayin;) Hugs.



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