How do we know when to call it quits on something; a job, a relationship, friendship? We've probably all been in the situation where we keep having some unwanted experience and yet somehow we keep doing the same thing... and we're left cold or upset or wanting, over and over... and praying that something will miraculously change. Usually it doesn't and as the saying goes, the very definition of insanity is to continue doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Why do we do this? Why is it so hard to accept some realities? Well, there may be some assistance if the pro's and con's list isn't working.
According to Ask and It Is Given, by Esther and Jerry Hicks, if we can focus on "better feeling thoughts", we can help nudge ourselves out of the maze in our brains. When we're stuck in a repetitive pattern of thinking, particularly if the thoughts are pessimistic and/or depressive, we might want to try inserting a thought that makes us feel better. It doesn't even matter if the thought is in dreamland. The better the thought makes us feel, the easier it'll be to shift and eventually find our way up and out of the dark tunnel. This may not be easy at times, but apparently if we just keep trying, eventually we'll find ourselves in a better place. Maybe we could try it. We're worth it;)
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