Sunday, November 30, 2014

Black, white or grey?

Life would be so much easier if everything was black or white, conclusive, decided. Obviously we realize that few things in life are crystal clear, but we still seem to want and need a degree of certainty before embarking on a particular path. But the unknowns often leave us wading in what if's or should's (perhaps giving us something to fall back on. i.e. what other people think or what our culture or society thinks and dictates)... and many a time we find ourselves left in hesitation and procrastination.

It's easy to look at others and see the error of their ways, from infidelities, to white lies, denials or perceived mistreatments. We're not as capable of acknowledging these aspects of ourselves for some reason however, and we may focus on whether others are being honest with us and treating us fairly. Above all, we do not want to be hurt by others. We want some control over what happens to us and we struggle to understand, forgive and move on when we are slighted, betrayed or left behind in any way. Truth is though, not much in life is straight forward. There is a complexity to each one of us and there is an even greater complexity to our relationships. None of us know what's coming. None of us have control. We can certainly work on doing the right things - goal setting, affirmations, therapy, meditation, being cautious, thinking carefully, or what have you- but some things in life cannot be prevented or foreseen. Some things just happen. So, if we're hurt by others, or if we hurt others along the way, perhaps it's just life. It would be ideal if we could draw boundaries around people and dynamics. We may feel comfort in trying to control the outcome of our experiences, but perhaps we could find greater comfort in accepting that all anyone can do is their best... and sometimes there are forces beyond our control... even when we want the best for others and for ourselves, and we fight with everything in us to do the right thing.... sometimes, life just happens anyway. Maybe there's freedom in this awareness.. so that if we do get hurt or if we make a "mistake", we may allow it to be and move forward anyway... inviting ourselves to see some good in the experience or to pursue something life altering for ourselves or our choices... because in our experiences we will continue to find the grey. Maybe uncertainty is something to accept and become familiar with. Who knows what magic may show up if we stop trying to control every experience :) Hugs. (For more on this, check out You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay).



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