Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Intention setting…

First it is an intention. 
Than a behaviour.
Than a habit.
Then a practice.
Then second nature.
Then it is simply who you are.

— Brendan Burchard (Author, high performance coach and motivational speaker. Burchard’s notable works are The Motivation Manifesto, High Performance Habits and The Millionaire Messenger).

One of my savvy coaches taught me about intention setting. I was familiar with goal setting, but didn’t realize I could go a step further in manifesting my hopes and dreams. I learned to write out, in detail, what the ideal outcome would look like and how I would feel about it. For example, I wanted a job that suited my lifestyle perfectly; with less travel, and to the specific destinations I prefer, at a certain income level, with a respectful manager who would allow for creativity and innovation, with an entrepreneurial company that empower’s it’s employees. Within a year I was head hunted into the perfect position. And because the fit is exceptional, I’ve made more money than ever, and I’ve been formally recognized numerous times. Just sayin’ ;) Hugs and good luck. XO



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