Monday, September 4, 2023

Are you an empath?…

Empath’s Overload Triggers

Loud sounds
Low blood sugar
Chemical sensitivities
Too much socializing
Feeling trapped in parties and cruises

— jane_lightworker

As per, an empath is “a person who has a particular tendency or ability to enter into or psychologically identify with the emotions, thoughts, or attitudes of others.” I’ve been told I’m an empath, and I certainly check all the boxes above (except low blood sugar. I tend to feel better when I fast and eat less in general). I would say there are pro’s and con’s. If you’re in a relationship-based profession, the extra sensitivity can be a super power. But feeling what’s around you in living colour can also be exhausting. Me time helps a lot. Just sayin’ :) Hugs and good luck. XO



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