Monday, August 14, 2023

Letting others take responsibility for their own actions…

Detachment doesn’t mean not caring. 
It’s taking care of yourself first
and letting others take responsibility for their own actions
without trying to save or punish them. 


For as long as I can remember, I’ve wanted everyone to just get along. So I tried to fix and smooth and people please my family of origin into a warmer, safer environment. Looking back, I can see the same pattern in all of my relationships. It pains me, but I now realize that some things cannot be fixed. Sad, but true for friendships and love relationships, but a far more devastating realization when it comes to family. To that end, I’ve been working with forgiveness. Every time a painful thought comes to mind, I say “I forgive X and I forgive myself for any pain that was caused. I release X and I release myself.” Just sayin’ :) Hugs and good luck. XO



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