Saturday, June 10, 2023

Maybe you overthink so much because…

* You didn’t grow up in a safe environment

* You took on adult duties way too early in life

* You were harshly judged for making mistakes

* You had to figure out everything on your own

* You were made to feel you aren’t good enough

— Bobbi Banks (Psychotherapist, Coach & Neuroscientist. Banks offers mental health insights, tips and tools on relationships, boundaries and healing the self). 

I don’t know about you, but I check off 4 of these, which may explain my overactive central nervous system, and anxious tummy. Good thing, I have helpful coping strategies. My favourite, and most effective support system right now is Craniosacral (light touch) therapy, which seems to help with both emotional and physical issues. Technically, the treatment uses light touch to examine membranes and movements of the fluids in and around the central nervous system to relieve tension and pain, and boost health and immunity. I’ve found quite the emotional reprieve from regular sessions. Just sayin’ :)  Hugs and good luck. XO



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