Wednesday, May 24, 2023

What we regret most…

I believe that what we regret most are our failures of courage, 
whether it’s the courage to be kinder,
to show up, 
to say how we feel, 
to set boundaries, 
to be good to ourselves.

For that reason, regret can be the birthplace of empathy.

— Brene Brown 

I don’t know about you, but for me, boundary setting has been a process. My parents were pretty overwhelming and we were not afforded boundaries. So fast forward to primary love relationships, a lack of knowledge and experience with boundaries, and you’ve got yourself a lot of bumps under the rug. Fortunately, I pursued relationship skills education (beyond my psychology degree), and figured out how to have meaningful and productive discussions with my partner. We invite each other to share what we’re going through, what we need, and what might be lovely. These conversations allow us to understand one another (creating much empathy) and deepen our bond more and more over time. Fewf! Just sayin’ :) Hugs and good luck. XO


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