Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Things we need to accept…

We need to accept our age.  
We need to accept illnesses and addictions. 
We need to accept the past.
We need to accept others as they are.

— Ryan Howes, Psychotherapist

Howes goes on to say that when we stop struggling, in vain, to change what’s beyond our control, we free up an abundance of energy for things we can actually affect. My favourite therapist gave similar advice many years ago and I’m still working on it ;) My mother passed away a few months ago and that’s dredged up the same old stuff. But I absolutely know that I don’t want to keep reliving the past. I would rather have my own back and empower myself for a better future. So, whatever it takes to evolve toward greater joy and fulfillment, I’m in (therapy, energy work, what have you). Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO



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