Friday, December 23, 2022

Discussions are better than arguments ;)…

Discussions are always better than arguments because an argument is to find out who is right, 

and a discussion is to find out what is right.  

— Unknown

I learned about “clearing” from my favourite therapist. He teaches communication skills in his weekend workshops, as the foundation and necessity for a healthy relationship. There’s an exercise where each participant has to approach and invite a conversation with any and all individuals where there is a feeling of discomfort. I was a big chicken in my first workshop and just sat there, trying to be invisible (a strategy I used growing up, Lol, which did not translate well into my later life). Interestingly enough, each person I felt uncomfortable with (there were two or three) actually approached me to clear the air. There were some snap judgements, but as the workshop moves on you begin to understand one another better and you tend to see people differently. It was all very cool and super helpful to my future relationships. Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO



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