Friday, April 22, 2022

Anything is possible…

Trust the wait. Embrace the uncertainty.

Enjoy the beauty of becoming.

When nothing is certain, anything is possible.

— Unknown

I love the notion of “enjoy the beauty of becoming”, but I’m also kinda laughing. In a perfect world, absolutely, just skipping down the path, whistling cheerfully (I’m thinking Ryan Reynolds in Free Guy), as we duck the obstacles and giggle through the mire. In reality though, we tear our hair out and stress eat through the curve balls. Am I right? Hindsight’s the glamorous, shiny look. Once the hell is over, it’s easy to reflect fondly and be grateful for a cool outcome. What I CAN embrace, is the idea that anything is possible. This brings hope - that if we get through whatever traumatic scenario we face, something fantastic is possibly on the other end. I can run with that. Just sayin’ ;) Hugs. XO



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