Sunday, January 23, 2022

I water you, you water me…

When two givers indulge in a connection, it’s like magic.

It’s alchemy. I water you, you water me, we never drain each other, we just grow.

— Unknown

In my experience, and in my opinion, this is possible when a couple is very well matched. Otherwise the differences tend to take center stage and the potential for friction and dissatisfaction are simply too high. If I could go back in time, I would tell my younger self to go ahead and enjoy that great connection when it happens, but don’t try to force a long lasting connection. Backing up even further, I would say be very clear and honest with yourself about the red flags and deal breakers. I’m not saying be a monk, but just be aware of how challenging it can be to part once you become attached to someone. I was certainly guilty of ignoring/denying problem areas in past relationships. I wanted to hold onto what was good and fun, but I really paid for it in the end (two divorces. Ugh). Just sayin’ ;) Hugs. XO



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