Here we explore the link between food and mental health, and how the digestive process directly influences your mood.
The composition of our microbiome varies due to multiple factors, but one key determinant is diet. Probiotics function as the “food source” for beneficial bacteria, and promote microbial growth and activity, thereby supporting mental health. However the average North American diet is low in foods like vegetables, fruits, whole grains and fibre that support a healthy microbiome, and is typically high in refined sugar and highly processed foods.
What to eat for better mental health. To boil it down, here are 6 key takeaways:
1. Fibre-rich plant-based foods including fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains and nuts.
2. Eat two servings of fatty fish per week, or consider taking an omega-3 supplement
3. Choose whole foods without added ingredients and processing (limit highly processed foods and drinks)
4. Take Vitamin D3
5. Cut down on refined sugars/sweetened drinks, baked goods, desserts
6. Include probiotic foods (sauerkraut, pickles, yogurt, tempeh, kefir)
— Emily Kichler (Oct 2021, Canadian Living Magazine)
When I was growing up, Mum would take us out to McDonalds for a treat, or we’d stop for chocolate bars. When Dad had us, he made us to go to the corner store and pick a piece of fruit. Dad also spent the summer tending to our vegetable garden, which took up our entire back yard (so Italian, Lol). Everyone around us spent the summer splashing around and laughing in their pools, while my brother, sister and I picked weeds and collected the day’s ripe vegetables and fruit. We didn’t appreciate the fresh salads and herbs back then, but we sure get it now. I still have a sweet tooth (thanks Mom! Ha ha), but fortunately the fresh fruit and vegetable habit stuck. I always notice the difference in my energy and mood when I eat Dad’s way. Dad was also the one taking us to the park to play soccer and tennis and fortunately fitness has stuck as well. Another mood booster. Just sayin’ ;) Hugs. XO