Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Trust the process…

“Some things we can let go of in the moment. We can shift our perspective or have curiosity rather than judgment, we can choose to be happy rather than needing to show we’re right, we can change how we’re breathing, affecting how we’re feeling, we can walk it off. We can check in at the end of the day and let go. Notice where we missed an opportunity and choose not to carry it into tomorrow. 

Some other things take time to process. Some things are buried deep where we stored them. Some things are not quite ready. Sometimes we’re comfortable in our pain because it’s what we know. And sometimes we think we’ve healed something only to revisit it later on a deeper level. 

Always we need to be gentle with ourselves and compassionate when it’s taken us longer than we wanted to let it go. To practice patience - to trust the process.”

— @barneyandflow

I have definitely found healing to be somewhat of a long process. There seem to be layers upon layers upon layers of emotion to address, particularly around upbringing and failed relationships. My favourite therapist says this sort of work is not for the faint of heart and I do believe he’s right. I’ve spent much time, money and emotion over the years. Having said that, the rewards have been well worth it. Now I’m kind of addicted to striving for greater peace and fulfillment. Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO



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