Saturday, February 20, 2021

“Pandemic burnout on the rise”...

Uncertainty and disruption due to the coronavirus have led to widespread feelings of fatigue and burnout, experts say. Research shows a majority of people in much of the world say their mental health has been negatively affected by the pandemic. The ongoing stress can lead to “psychological hibernation”, psychologist Emma Kavanagh tells the Guardian, leading to a loss of concentration, poor sleep and memory issues. At work, negativity or slower performance can be warning signs...”

— Siobhan Morrin, Editor at LinkedIn News 

I don’t know about you, but it makes me feel better knowing a lot of us are struggling with fatigue and burn out. It just feels like we’re working a lot, either at our jobs or at home with chores and upgrades (or not! and my thoughts and prayers go out to those hit hard by this unprecedented time. I was road kill post 2008 financial crisis, so I know how terrifying it is to hang in the balance. I’m thinking of you!). We don’t have a lot to look forward to right now and we don’t know how long this thing’s gonna be running our lives either. :( I’ve found comfort in sharing the stress and frustration with friends/family/colleagues/clients. Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO



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