Saturday, January 25, 2020

Learning to love...

“Learning to love is difficult, and we pay dearly for it,” wrote the serious and somber author Fyodor Dostoevsky. “It takes hard work and a long apprenticeship,” he added. All that’s true, I think. To hone our ability to express tenderness and warmth, even when we’re not at our best, is the most demanding task on earth. It requires more courage than that of a soldier in the frenzy of battle, as much imagination as a poet, and diligence equal to that of an architect supervising the construction of a massive suspension bridge. And yet on the other hand—contrary to what Dostoevsky believed—sometimes love is mostly fun and inspiring and entertaining and educational.

— Rob Brezny,

My favourite therapist says that our ego’s often get in the way. He says the primary purpose of “Ego” is to protect us, however, as we age some of those protective instincts and strategies can be limiting and potentially damaging; needing to become rich/important/powerful at the expense of our relationships, finding ourselves isolated because we can’t trust, becoming paralyzed because we don’t feel safe. In my experience, with a little education education and sound guidance, it is more than possible to reinvent ourselves and our relationships. It’s not necessarily quick or easy, but wow, the results are exponentially rewarding. Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO



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