Sunday, August 11, 2019

What if...

What if ...

everything you are going through is preparing you for what you asked for?

— Unknown

My last job was the most unpleasant of my career; very micro-managey, stressful to the max, ruled by fear and intimidation, odd in that management wanted a heavy admin focus, which was not typical. I was angry and frustrated. I wanted to quite the whole time, but it paid well and jobs were scarce post-2008 financial crash. I finally landed a new job and it’s the best of my life by a long shot. Before long, I created some analytic tools to maximize my strategies and planning. The company was thrilled and rolled out one of my ideas to the team. I would never have deferred to an admin approach in my job, as it’s never been my strong suit. I realized my worst job of all prepared me for the best years of my career, and the most money I’ve ever made. Go figure! Just sayin’ ;) Hugs. XO



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