Sunday, July 21, 2019

When to walk away...

One of the hardest decisions you’ll ever face in life is
choosing whether to walk away or try harder.

— Unknown

My last relationship was pretty nice. We treated each other well, we were wonderful friends and we had some fun. My earlier experiences were tumultuous and stressful, so I thought this was great progress. After a time, I waved a few flags, thinking no relationship is perfect. One or two flags became more pronounced and still I waved them off. In truth, I wasn’t sure a better quality relationship existed. I grew up in world war three, with parents who had very little in common and who didn’t particularly seem to like one another. Actually, all of my relationships seemed pretty decent compared to what I grew up with. Crappy thing is, while I was having this inner discussion, I was blindsided. I took too long and the decision was made for me. Just sayin’!



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