Friday, August 31, 2018

Let’s beautify...

Kindness is like snow - it beautifies everything it covers.

— Khalil Gibran

I’ve been tested of late. Somewhat nasty gossip has circled back to me and I temporarily let it get under my skin. Thank goodness I revisited earlier work on forgiveness and I’ve arrived at a feel good course of action. I choose to forgive those who need to vent and sit with their troubled feelings. I also choose to make allowances, rather than judge in return. Lastly, I am practicing owning ALL of my own stuff. If I’m frustrated with something in my world, I choose to make adjustments so that I arrive at a more suitable outcome. For example, if I feel that I’ve given more generously to loved ones in the past, then I choose to suggest and arrange mutual gift giving, such as buying each other something cool on a fun shopping spree. Just sayin’ :) Hugs.



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