Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Find peace...

If it comes, let it.
If it goes, let it...
And you’ll find peace.

— Unknown

I wonder why change is so hard. I know I resist the hell out of it. Interestingly, the most painful and uncomfortable changes have set me free in miraculous and unexpected ways. So why the resistance?? According to Katherine Schneider and Heather Hausenblas (Psychology Today), it may be about the “perceived risk or fear associated with it.” We just don’t know what’s coming and this creates so much anxiety. For example, I struggled to leave the wrong the relationship a while back because I was afraid I wouldn’t find a more suitable partner. Deep down I knew I had to leave, but my procrastination and moments of denial ended up crashing on my head. (My live in partner had an affair with someone from our circle of friends). Fortunately, I took a hard look at my romantic history, made a few fantastic changes and then met the beautiful, perfect love of my life. Just sayin’ :) Hugs.



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