Saturday, February 10, 2018

You vs you...

Prove yourself to yourself, not to others.

- Unknown

We do have a tendency to stack ourselves up against others, don’t we. I think our parents/teachers/bosses may have spent too much time critiquing and not enough time complimenting. I know people have always compared my sister and me; who they think is prettier, who’s smarter and who’s doing better in school. In my sales career, they always list who’s at the top, bottom and everything in between, which I guess they figure will make us work harder. Nobody wants to live with sitting at the bottom, that’s for sure. So maybe we should cut ourselves some slack when we judge ourselves. On the other hand, it feels so much better to tell ourselves what we’re doing well and where we’re kind and lovely. Apparently, we have the “neuroplasticity” in our brains to change some of the hardwired inner critique. Just sayin’ :) Hugs.



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