Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Laws of detachment...

The Laws of Detachment

Allow others to be who they are.
Allow yourself to be who you are.
Don’t force situations. Solutions will emerge.
Uncertainty is reality - embrace it.

- Sue Fitzmaurice (Author and Coach, formerly nurse, business owner, management consultant and CEO. Fitzmaurice holds degrees is philosophy, international relations and business. Wow. Her purpose now is to teach, research, coach and write about purpose).

Life is such a mixed bag of the expected, the unexpected, the welcome and unwelcome. It’s great to be in our comfort zone and in control whenever possible, but we all know the shit hit has a tendency to hit the fan. A healthy detachment seems like a great idea. If we allow a little room, maybe we won’t be so thrown off by the “bad” stuff. Food for thought. Just sayin’ :) Hugs.



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