Sunday, September 17, 2017

Love it....

Here is the simple truth that will move you most expediently through absolutely every unwanted and unwelcome feeling, state or condition you may descend into. It works like a charm with every single one of the so-called negative feelings or states. It works with anxiety, fear, sadness, anger, hurt, shame, pain, guilt, and grief. It works with jealousy, nervousness, despondency, disorientation, loneliness and discouragement. Here is the simple way to "pop", like a floating bubble, any of these inner feelings or states that seem to plague and torment you.

Love it. That's right. Love it and love the person who is experiencing it. Love it. Accept and embrace the feeling or state. Whatever arises, love it. If you truly love it, it will leave you and disappear as the ephemeral illusion that always was. Every time.

- Joel Brass (Therapist, Seminar Leader).

I highly recommend Joel's two seminars; The Inner Child Workshop and The Relationship Workshop. They'll change your life. Just sayin' :)



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