Sunday, May 21, 2017

The Success Indicator...

Compliments of MaryEllen Tribby

Successful People:                  Unsuccessful People:
Have a sense of gratitue          Have a sense of entitlement
Compliment                            Criticize
Forgive Others                        Hold a grudge
Give others credit                   Take all the credit
Read everyday                        Watch TV everyday
Talk about ideas                      Talk about people
Share information                   Hoard information
Exude joy                                Exude anger
Keep a to-do/project list.        Never set goals
Transformational mindset       Fear change
Keep a "to-be" list.                 Don't know what they want to be
Want others to succeed           Secretly hope others fail
Accept responsibility             Blame others
Keep a journal                       Say they keep a journal, but don't really
Continuously learn                Think they know it all

For what it's worth... Just sayin' :)



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