Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Taking care of number one...

Taking care of number one sounds either selfish or self help'y. There is seriously something to this though... If we're good, content, grounded in who we are and what we're doing, chances are we're drawing good boundaries and we're doing a decent job of communicating in our relationships. If we're able to express what we need and want, there is so much less drama and we're probably minimizing doing things we don't wanna do out of duty or obligation. It's not always easy to pull this off because other people in our lives need things too, but at least we can think about it and decide whether we want to be obligated in that way or if our own best interest is more important. I've learned a lot about this recently and although I've had to let people down here or there, I have found a new sense of peace and calm. I think people understand when we need something for our health and well-being and things seem to work out somehow. Just sayin' ;)



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