We get into a groove and enjoy our comfort zone. There's enough in life to challenge us and the unknown presents the potential for discomfort and stress? Thing is, we're probably missing out. Maybe we're middling... ? Bruce Lipton (a genius scientist who's observed some very interesting things about how we behave and why) suggests that we're holding ourselves back in a big way.
"I'd also like to suggest that you examine how your fears and the ensuing protection behaviors impact your life. What fears are stunting your growth? Where did these fears come from? Are they necessary? Are they real? Are they contributing to a full life?... President Franklin D. Roosevelt knew the destructive nature of fear. He chose his words carefully when he told the nation in the grips of the Great Depression and looming World War: ' We have nothing to fear, but fear itself.' Letting go of our fears is the first step toward creating a fuller, more satisfying life."
- by Bruce Lipton, the Biology of Belief
Another great book on the topic is Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway, by Susan Jeffers. (She says fear is a very natural response and we should push past it).
On a personal note, I challenged myself to overcome the fear of public speaking a few years back. I practiced like hell in front of a chair for a really important job interview (I was quickly becoming destitute, post 2008) and I kept telling myself that because I knew the speech inside and out and backwards I was going to succeed and bloody well enjoy doing it! Amazingly enough, I did know the damn thing like crazy and the presentation went perfectly. I didn't get the job because they thought I was over-qualified, Lol;) !!, but I have been a lot more comfortable speaking in front of people ever since! What's next? Fear of singing in front of people maybe? 'Cause that comes from a more emotional place and feels a whole lot more personal to me. Can I walk the walk? Keep you posted!
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