Safety is attractive.
Emotional maturity is attractive.
Raw communication is attractive.
Authenticity is attractive.
Imperfections are attractive.
Genuine connection is attractive.
Effort is attractive.
Consistency is attractive.
Honesty is attractive.
Kindness is attractive.
Taking accountability is attractive.
Sincere apologies are attractive.
Awareness is attractive.
Growth is attractive.
— Unknown
I had absolutely ZERO idea about character-based attraction when I was younger. Is he cute? Yes, great. Do I like him? Ok, perfect. Uhh, what else? Do we have some stuff in common? Yeah, a few things, ok, good enough. NO! Not good enough. Two marriages, a lot of therapy and relationship courses later, I realize just how much commonality (life goals, lifestyle), character, integrity and healthy relationship skills factor into a great match. Match being key word here, because looking back I can see that each of my past relationships had at least two major deal breakers (extreme lateness, extreme spending, different life goals, inability to communicate through difficult challenges etc.). I was absolutely a part of the problem, as I shrank from conflict and anger, making peaceful resolution pretty difficult. Thankfully my troubled relationship path led to couples therapy, and then individual therapy, and most importantly relationship/communication skills education. Best thing that ever happened to me. Just sayin’ :) Hugs and good luck. XO